What You Should Know About Getting a Military Divorce

Military divorces typically aren’t more difficult than civilian divorces, but you are required to abide by special requirements. If you are in the military and wish to get a divorce, it is important to learn the specific laws regarding military divorces. That way, you can avoid making costly mistakes and streamline the divorce process.

Residency and Filing Requirements

Usually, service members and their spouses have a few choices about where they file for divorce. These choices include the state where the filing spouse lives, the state where the service member is stationed and the state where the service member claims legal residency.

Obtaining Healthcare Coverage After a Military Divorce

Following a military divorce, the non-military spouse might wonder how to get healthcare coverage. Luckily, there are a couple of options. First, there is TRICARE, which requires spouses to be married for at least 20 years during the military member’s active service. If the former spouse marries someone else in the future, he or she will lose TRICARE coverage.

If the non-military spouse does not qualify for TRICARE coverage, he or she can buy coverage from the Continued Health Care Benefit Program. The former spouse may receive the coverage for up to 36 months after the divorce was finalized.

Getting the Military Spouse’s Pension

It is a common misconception that non-military spouses have to be married at least 10 years to access their ex-spouse’s pension in a divorce. The truth is that you do not have to be married for a certain amount of time to receive a portion of your ex-spouse’s pension. The amount you receive will depend on how long the service member has been in the military and how long the couple was married. For example, if the service member was in the military for 20 years, but only had been married for 10 years, the other spouse may receive half of the pension that was earned in the 10 years.

Hiring a Military Divorce Lawyer

Military divorces can come with complexities just like civilian divorces. That is why it is important to work with a lawyer who specializes in military divorces. A military divorce lawyer, like one from Robinson & Hadeed, will know about the specific military divorce laws in your state and help guide you through the entire process.

Been in a Car Accident? Don’t Deal With the Insurance Company On Your Own

After being severely injured in an accident that was not your fault, the next steps you take in filing a personal injury claim could determine whether you obtain fair coverage to cover your losses and medical bills, or if you will end up in financial ruin while you recover. Insurance companies are out to make a profit, their goal is to minimize your injuries and reduce your claim as much as possible. Working with a car accident lawyer can make all the difference in how successful your claim is.

Settlement Offer

Once you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, an adjuster from the company will call you to find out information about the accident, including details of damages and injuries. The adjuster will record all phone calls about the accident. They will also do their best to trip a victim up during any interviews, trying to get them to say anything that would indicate the victim was actually at fault. Adjusters are trained to ask specific questions and manipulate conversations that could result in the victim saying something that could be used out of context. This is why victims should never speak to anyone from an insurance company without first speaking to a lawyer.

The more complex the accident was, the more likely the adjuster is to offer the victim a settlement amount quickly. They might say their offer is the best they can do, which is usually not true at all. When the extent of the victim’s injuries will require long-term medical treatments or have left the victim with some form of permanent disability, the adjusters will work hard to get the victim to settle without thinking about it.

Before accepting a settlement, it is often better to consult a car accident lawyer who is well-versed in the tricks of the insurance trade. Having an attorney represent you will also make the adjuster take your claim more seriously.

Justifying the Offer

When an adjuster offers an amount that your lawyer thinks is below what the victim deserves, they will need to justify that amount. For each item they present, the attorney will counter those reasons with proof or physical evidence to show why the victim deserves more.

Once the attorney and the victim are satisfied with the settlement amount, a settlement letter will be drawn up that includes the amount and all other stipulations that have been agreed upon.

Contact a Car Accident Law Firm Today

If you have been injured by an at-fault driver, you deserve to be compensated for all the losses your injuries have caused, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. To ensure that compensation, you need a skilled attorney, like a car accident lawyer from a law firm like Tuttle Law, P.A.


Reasons to See a Hair Loss Doctor 

Hair Loss Treatment Doctor

Hair loss is an issue that affects millions of people. It is caused by many different things, including genetics, diet and specific conditions. Whether you have a receding hairline or are noticing that your hair is becoming thinner and thinner, there are ways to combat your hair loss that a doctor can recommend. If you want to find a solution to your thinning or balding hair, consult with a skilled hair doctor to get an evaluation and find out what treatments can be most effective at promoting your hair growth.The following are some of the reasons to see a hair loss doctor 

You have a certain medical condition 

Many people who have hair loss have some kind of medical condition. From alopecia to thyroid issues, there are a number of health issues that can lead to hair loss. If you are concerned that your hair loss is due to a medical issue, you can turn to a certified hair doctor so that they can conduct a scalp analysis and complete a physical exam. They will find the underlying cause of your hair loss and find the right treatment option for you. 

Your have a family history of hair loss 

A hair loss treatment doctor like one at Dr. Robin Unger knows that genetics play a big role in hair loss. Receding hairlines are one example of hair loss caused by genetics. Many people have a family history of thin or balding hair, and unfortunately this cannot be controlled. While it is a common issue, it can deeply impact people who suffer from it. If you are experiencing hair loss that is due to genetics, you can receive treatment for it. 

Stress is causing hair loss 

If you are like many people who experience excess stress in their lives, you could be prone to hair loss. Sometimes unexpected hair loss is due to severe changes in one’s life, resulting in increased stress levels. People who feel stressed because of their job or have recently experienced a difficult or traumatic life event can develop sudden hair loss. While this is temporary, it can still have dramatic results, leading to a large amount of hair to fall off. Talk to a hair doctor to see what how your hair loss can be treated.

You want to explore treatment options

The only way to see which hair loss treatments would be for you is to consult with an experienced and qualified doctor. After they complete their consultation, they can tell you which treatments you can consider as a solution to your hair loss. Ask a doctor what kinds of hair loss restoration techniques there are so that you can get treated and get the hair that you have always wanted.

You do not have to live with hair loss. There are safe and effective treatments available to restore your hair, whether you are losing your hair because of genetics, medical condition, or another issue. Schedule a consultation with an experienced and qualified hair loss doctor in your area for more information. 

How To Beat Your DUI Arrest

DUI Lawyer

DUI LawyerIndividuals who are charged with DUI can fight their charges and avoid the harsh consequences of a conviction with the help of a DUI lawyer from The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright. Remember, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You do not need to prove your innocence—the prosecution does.

The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright is here to help you fight those charges through an aggressive DUI lawyer defense that protects your legal rights and helps you beat the charges against you.

How To Beat Your DUI Arrest

1) Know Your Rights

The first thing you should do after a DUI arrest is talking to an attorney who specializes in these types of cases. You need someone who has the experience and knowledge necessary in order for them to properly defend their clients’ rights when it comes time for trial or plea bargaining negotiations with prosecutors on behalf of defendants facing criminal charges related to driving under influence (DUI)/driving while intoxicated (DWI).

2) Never Answer Any Questions Without A Lawyer Present

There’s no way around this one: If the police pull you over, they will ask questions.

We know that a DUI arrest can be stressful and frightening. It can be frustrating as well because you may want to tell your side of the story and believe that everything will be resolved quickly once you do so. However, speaking to law enforcement without a DUI lawyer from The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright present can create major problems for your defense if the case goes to trial. In fact, anything you say when questioned by police can and will be used against you if your case goes to court.

Why You Need a DUI Lawyer

The best thing you can do to protect yourself from a DUI arrest is to hire an experienced DUI lawyer. If you’re facing a DUI, it means that the police officer who arrested you thinks there’s enough evidence against you to make a charge stick in court. A good lawyer can help you poke holes in that evidence and fight back against the charges.

In some cases, it’s possible to get the charges against you dropped before they even make it to trial. When the police have a shaky case, they may ask their DUI lawyer to negotiate with the prosecution and get them to drop the charges in exchange for not filing a lawsuit against them for wrongful arrest. If this happens, then the charges will never even go on your permanent record.

A DUI arrest can be a scary experience, especially if it’s your first offense. You may be worried and stressed out about the consequences you’re facing — a criminal record, fines, jail time, license suspension, and more. Plus, you might not know if the police officer had a right to pull you over in the first place or if he or she followed proper procedures during your arrest. Even if you believe that your arrest was valid and there’s no way to beat the charges against you, it’s always in your best interest to seek legal counsel as soon as possible.

At The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright, we help clients understand their rights and options when facing DUI charges. 

Custody and Support of Minor Children

There are two common types of custody, and those are legal custody and physical custody. Each parent can jointly hold legal custody, or only one will be awarded. When a parent has legal custody, they can make life decisions for the child, such as medical treatment, religion, and education. If both parents of the child are awarded joint legal custody, they must share in making life decisions.

Ideally, both parents are cooperative and willing to communicate with the other about their child. Physical custody may be shared between the parents, or solely. The non-custodial parent may still be given visitation rights despite not being the parent with sole physical custody. 

Child support may be determined by a variety of factors. The court system prioritizes the wellness of the child, and calculates support amounts so that the minor child or children always gets what they need to grow and succeed. Examples of factors that may be used in your child support case include:

  • Income of each parent
  • Who has physical custody of children
  • Who pays or receives alimony
  • Cost of children’s needs
  • Nearby support system (other family, friends)
  • The child’s hobbies/activities
  • Living arrangements of each parent’s home

In situations where parents share physical custody, there may or may not be a need for child support payments. The court will assess who has physical custody, number of overnights each parent has, and which parent deals with more of the child’s needs and extracurriculars. If the parents share custody equally, this doesn’t mean that child support won’t be mandated for one or both parents.

As a family lawyer, like one from The Law Office of Daniel J. Wright knows, child custody matters can be incredibly stressful for parents, and the children too. Whether you are hoping for physical or legal custody of your children, it’s important to understand the factors that influence a judge’s decision. 

Divorce lawyer

Divorce lawyer

Child custody, visitation, and support issues when the non-married couple separates from one another

Married or not, you still have children together and when you break up with your partner your children need to have a well-thought-out future regarding how you and your partner are going to parent them. This can be very hard to do in a constructive and humane way, but if your ability to get along civilly with your ex-partner cannot be achieved, you should reach out to a divorce lawyer who can help you by treating your breakup like a divorce despite the fact you are not married.

If both of you are the legal parents of the child, whether biological or because you jointly adopted the child, or the non-biological parent adopted the child, you both have a legal and valid right to the child. This means that your child-related disputes are going to be handled the same way as if you are divorcing married couples with children.

You can be required by the court to attend mediation sessions or submit to an investigative process with County personnel to further decide which parent should have full custody or whether both parents deserve to have joint custody.

After listening to a County social worker’s report about how each of the parents of the child in each home situation that you provide for the child the Family Court judge is going to have to make a child custody decision and visitation decision with your child’s health and care in mind. You can talk to a divorce lawyer such as the ones available at May Law LLP about any issues that you come up with.

The best interest of the child is always going to be the legal standard that the judge is going to follow, and in most states, you are allowed to propose your own custody and visitation arrangement and if the judge finds it sensible and correct then they will be approved. The issue arises if one person is disputing a suggested proposal, or otherwise filing for sole custody of the child.

Oftentimes in many states, the court is going to order both legal parents to retain custody, which is often called joy or shared legal custody. This means that each parent is going to be able to have a say equally in the child’s life, such as education, medical care, religion, and more. When both parents have joint custody of a child they are both equally responsible for the support and legal obligation to care for the child.

No matter what you and your partner decide, a divorce lawyer on both sides can really help ensure that everything is airtight and understood while it is to everyone’s satisfaction. Child custody can get messy, and when it gets messy it can really hurt the child in the family the child is used to.

Do I Need a Lawyer if We Agree on Custody?

Divorce Lawyer

Parenting in the midst of a divorce adds a challenging layer to an already complex process. Deciding who will have physical and legal custody of your children can be an overwhelming task. Parents may decide on a custody agreement amongst themselves, or have to attend court for a judge to decide. Read on to learn about how you can make custody arrangements successful:

File for Joint Custody

Communication is the key to working out child custody. If you and your former spouse have an amicable relationship, you can work out a joint custody agreement together. Discuss the specifics and fill out the necessary forms together. Then file them at your local courthouse to create a formal custody agreement. Be sure to check your state’s specific laws to determine what documents you need and what steps to take to make the agreement official.

Attend Mediation

If your relationship is less friendly or you have communication concerns, mediation might be a better solution. Mediation is an excellent option for parties who want to avoid the costs and hassle of litigation but need a little extra help. In this process, you meet in the presence of a third-party mediator who is an expert in conflict resolution. They will walk you through everything, facilitating conversation and guiding you toward solutions. The mediator does not make the final decision. You and your spouse keep that control.

Try Arbitration

If a mediator can’t resolve a dispute, arbitration may be the best choice. Like mediation, arbitration uses a neutral third party to resolve conflicts outside of court. However, the arbitration process is a little different. An arbitrator acts as your private judge and relies on information given by both sides to make rulings about how to solve your issues. Whereas you and your spouse are in control of the final decisions in mediation, in arbitration, the judge’s ruling is final.

Keeping a divorce out of the courtroom is possible. If you and your spouse want to avoid court while completing your custody agreement, consider one of the three options above. Filing a parenting plan yourself, using a mediator, or hiring an arbitrator can save you time and money in simple cases. For more complicated cases, as a divorce lawyer from AttorneyBernie.com would agree, consider hiring a family lawyer trained to help you in this difficult time.

Estate Planning And Average Person

Is Estate Planning Really Necessary for the Average Person?

You may think that having a will or doing estate planning is only for the wealthy. You also may think that creating a will or planning for your future isn’t necessary at the moment. This is simply not the truth. Typically we don’t think of our family possessions until a divorce happens. Dividing up items, homes, and other assets become the topic of choice during a divorce; however, what about if you’re happily married? What are some things you should think of when discussing your possessions and children? Believe that everyone who has any kind of assets should have an estate plan. For these reasons and more, you should speak with an estate planning lawyer about your ideas and plans for the future. Continue reading to learn more and make sure to set up a consultation with a lawyer as soon as possible to get started. 

You Can Appoint a Medical Power of Attorney

No matter how much you have in assets, you can still have someone in charge in case anything ever happens to you. This person would make decisions on your behalf if you should ever become incapacitated. They should be someone you really trust who will have your best interest at heart and know your wishes. You can also be as detailed as you want with your lawyer to have in writing what you would like to happen if different scenarios end up coming up in your life. For example, you can write down what you would want to happen if you ever fell into a coma or were on life support. You can also detail how you want to be buried or what you want a funeral to look like once you pass away. 

You Can Create a Will

Having a will is important for anyone with assets. You can detail everything that you want to happen whenever you are gone from the world. It is important to have everything laid out in your will so that your loved ones can better focus on grieving your loss, rather than trying to determine who gets what. Even if you do not have very much money, there may be certain items of sentimental value that you want specific friends or family members to receive. Or, you may want your home to go to someone after your passing. These are all important rights you have that you need protected. A good estate planning lawyer will be happy to go over what you have and help you figure out how to distribute everything. 

You Can Protect Those Who Depend on You

One of the most important things to you may be making sure any minor children or pets are cared for after your passing. You can go over this with an estate planning lawyer to appoint a guardian for your children and a new owner for any animals you may have. You can also leave money to anyone who will be caring for those who depend on you. 

Contact a Lawyer

Reach out to an estate planning law firm today to set up a consultation with an experienced lawyer. You and your loved ones deserve to have some type of sense of security when it comes to your possessions. An attorney can go over everything in detail with you to make sure you can rest easy, knowing that all of your loved ones will be cared for even when you are gone. 

5 Things To Do When Served With a Divorce Complaint

Divorce Lawyer

You might be tempted to put that divorce petition in the trash can when you get it, but you have to face it. Don’t put it in a drawer or bury it in a stack of paperwork. Instead, open it up and take the next steps to prepare for your divorce.

Read the Petition

Yes, you are having a lot of emotions. Set those aside for a moment and go through the petition to find out what your responsibilities are. As a divorce lawyer from a firm like the Law Office of Daniel J. Wright can explain, the divorce documents will tell you how long you have to respond, requests for child and/or spousal support, and a lot of other great information. It might be a lot to process in one session, but pay close attention to any dates to take the next step before the time line runs out.

Talk to a Lawyer

You will need to respond to the petition, but it might be good to hire a lawyer before you do. If you can’t afford the full fees, discuss having the lawyer help you draft a response to the demands of the petition instead of helping you through the full divorce. If you have an EAP with your work, you may qualify for legal assistance. Having a lawyer on your side can help you save money long-term, so don’t just think about the immediate need, but consider all the benefits.

Respond to the Petition

Failing to respond to the petition will put you behind the eight-ball. If you don’t respond, the court may enter a default divorce against you. You may lose some rights if you don’t respond. It’s important to remember that responding doesn’t make the divorce final, but it is the next most important step in the process.

Gather Documents

Your lawyer will need information from you about your financial situation. Gather tax documents, usually for the last three years, birth certificates, mortgage documents, bank account information and anything else that establishes your financial position. Your lawyer may also give you information about protecting your accounts and assets as the divorce progresses.

Protect Your Communication

At the very least, change your passwords on all your accounts, banks, social media, email, and any other place you don’t want your spouse to gain access. Use a password your spouse wouldn’t guess. Ideally, you may even want to set up a new email account and set your social media to high privacy. You may need to change banking information, but make sure to check with your lawyer.

Contact a divorce attorney to get more information.

My Spouse Just Asked for a Divorce- What Should I Do Now?

When your spouse asks for a divorce and you are uncertain of what to do, there are different things you can try depending on the outcome that you’re seeking. Whether the divorce seems out of the blue or you sensed it might be coming, it can be scary to hear your spouse say it out loud. You might be prepared to do everything to save your marriage, but your spouse might be saying they’re done.

And if you truly want to avoid divorce and you must demonstrate that you are capable of really changing whatever problems are in the relationship. You should think deeply about what has gotten you both to this place of wanting a divorce on one end and not on the other. What behaviors can you change on your end in hopes of avoiding divorce? To figure out this, you should think about what your spouse has complained about over the course of your marriage.

It might seem unfair to you that you have to do all of the changing but when your spouses hit their limit and you are the one that wants to make it work then you are going to be the one that needs to make the first real move towards real change. And remember, it’s not over until it’s over. Even spouses that say they want to divorce might not be truly set on having a divorce.

Of course, like always, if your spouse is asking for a divorce, you should most likely reach out to a family lawyer, such as the ones available at Law Group of Iowa, for advice and help in preparing yourself for divorce. This is especially true if your spouse 30 acquired a divorce lawyer and served your papers.

Your family lawyer, is going to be able to advise you on the best ways to try to stop your divorce, save your marriage, or just end the marriage amicably. They are going to be telling you what not to do if your spouse wants a divorce, such as acting out in anger, acting nasty or vengeful, or even acting desperate. Not only can these types of actions sabotage any chance you have in the marriage amicably, but it would definitely sabotage any chance you have of saving your marriage.

Acting out in behaviors like using drugs, alcohol, getting caught up in the bar scene and flirting will not help you work things out with your spouse in the long run, nor will it help you look good if you’re fighting a child custody case later on. Begging, buying gifts for your spouse, gossiping about your spouse, idealizing all good things about the marriage or yourself, and of course manipulation, will not help matters either. Manipulation is saying things such as I love you or asking your spouse to read books about love and marriage, and of course there are other ways of manipulation and it is all going to look bad on you.